Lunch Menu
Application for Free or Reduced Meals
You can apply for breakfast and lunch assistance at any time during the year.
Student Accounts
Each student at WHS has their own food service account, accessed with their 6 digit student ID number. This is a debit, not a charging system. Parents or students may make deposits in cash, checks made out to WHS School Nutrition, including student ID number or online at
Mail checks to Winnacunnet High School, 1 Alumni Drive, Hampton, NH 03842, Attn: School Nutrition. Checks or cash can also be given directly to cashiers as students pass through the serving lines. provides a quick and convenient way to put money into an account, using a credit or debit card for a small fee (updated 2-22-24). All parents can set up an account to check their student’s balance at any time, even if they choose to not use this service.
We allow students to charge up to $7.70 worth of meals only (2 lunches). They can check their balance anytime they go through a line, or online at A la carte items and specialty beverages cannot be charged, meals only.