Interact Club

Interact Club at Winnacunnet High School – sponsored by the Rotary Club of Hampton

Winnacunnet High School’s Interact Club participates in many community service activities such as hosting high school age students from Ireland as part of the Friends Forever program. The goal of this program is to further international understanding and goodwill. The club also creates Thanksgiving baskets for those in need, visits nursing homes to deliver poinsettias during the holidays, and hosts the annual Senior Citizen Sweetheart Brunch for Valentine’s Day. As a junior Rotary organization, Interact members follow the four-way test:

  • Is it the truth?
  • Is it fair to all concerned?
  • Will it build goodwill and better friendship?
  • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Frequently Asked Questions

Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people ages 12 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting.