Winnacunnet High School Title 1
School Plan 2024-25
Printable version of the Title 1 Plan 2024-25
Title One Compact 2024-25
Permission Slip 2024-25
Student Selection
Middle School staff review student test scores and historical grades, thereby identifying incoming ninth grade students. Eligibility is also determined by scoring less than Proficient on the Scholastic Reading Inventory, which is given to all students in grades 9-12. The Scholastic Math Inventory is given to all ninth grade students. Scoring less than proficient on one or both of these tests as well as an evaluation of historical grades qualifies a student for Title 1 services. If a student is struggling or failing, guidance counselors will reach out to the Title 1 Program Manager to check on eligibility. An eligibility rank order is created, thereby identifying the neediest students.
The Homeless Liaison refers all homeless and migrant students who automatically qualify.
Supplemental Support
Within the school day, Title 1 teachers provide an intervention Learning Lab which provides personalized academic support to Title 1 eligible students in grades ninth through twelfth. These teachers also provide follow-up in with the “Push-in Model” in select Math and English classroom. These select classrooms are chosen by the number of Title 1 students in them.
High Quality Instructional Strategies
Supplemental support is provided in select classrooms as well as in the Title 1 Learning Lab. The Research based support model provides students with individualized intervention on a daily basis.
Title 1 staff support the regular classrooms’ curricula which has rigorous student learning expectations and competencies.
Students are not removed from the regular classrooms. A Title 1 Intervention Lab is built into the Title 1 students’ schedule. Title 1 students come to the Learning Lab for at least one and up to three trimesters a year.
Parent Involvement
Parental Involvement is increased by making sure all Title 1 parents have a login to their child’s PowerSchool account. Automatic notices are sent via email regarding updates to grades and attendance issues. Additionally, emails are regularly sent to all parents and guardians concerning school news and/or events.
Coordination with the Regular Classroom
Classroom teachers add the Title 1 teachers to their Google Classrooms. This enables the Title 1 teachers to readily access any and all assignments of any particular student. Weekly PowerSchool reports of Title 1 students are also generated to stay abreast of students’ continuing progress. Title 1 teachers who are in classroom providing supplemental support to qualifying students are able to plan with Classroom teachers on a daily basis. For the other students who are in the Learning Lab, email to teachers is consistent and ongoing. The emails are kept on file.
Collaboration with Other Programs
The Homeless Liaison works closely with the Title 1 Project Manager. All homeless and migrant students automatically qualify for Title 1 services. Guidance Counselors schedule a Title 1 Learning Lab for the ESOL students for 1-3 trimesters. Many of the tenth and eleventh graders participate in the Seacoast School of Technology during their day. Additionally, Night School offers classes to students sixteen and above. Instruction by Highly Qualified Staff
All teachers and instructional paraprofessionals paid out of Title I funds must meet the highly qualified requirements.
Principal’s Assurance
I hereby certify that the Title I Program at my school will
1. Be conducted according to the Title I Plan included with this application;
2. Provide support to only Title I identified students with the exception of an allowable incidental inclusion; and
3. Meet all parent involvement requirements. Including but not limited to: annual meeting, parent compact, parent policy, and Parents Right-to-Know.