WHS Booster Club Guidelines
Definition of Booster Club:
An independent organization formed to help support an extracurricular group or sports team. Support may include promoting the program, volunteering time, and raising supplemental funds through fundraising activities for use by the associated program.
Booster Club Purpose:
Winnacunnet is fortunate for the strong Booster Club participation and generous support afforded to our student participants. Booster Clubs are meant to enthusiastically support our students and help promote the organization’s goals and vision. The Booster Club’s primary role is in volunteering time and raising resources to help enhance the program. All members are expected to model appropriate behavior at all events, and serve as exemplars to our students representing the school district. We are thankful for the support and role modeling our Booster Clubs provide.
General Rules:
Booster Clubs are expected to follow Winnacunnet School District’s code of acceptable conduct at all times. Student/Parent Handbook
Booster Clubs are strongly encouraged to apply for 501(c) 3 status with the IRS. This allows for donors to make tax deductible donations.
501(c) 3 instructions: https://www.irs.gov/uac/about-form-1023ez
It is recommended that all Booster Clubs acquire liability insurance. Please note that Booster Club activities are not covered by Winnacunnet School District liability insurance.
Each Booster Club should have elected officers and should formalize specific bylaws. It is recommended that a voting process is developed in order to operate fairly and effectively make organizational decisions. The following are a few examples of Booster Club bylaws:
- Windham High School Athletic Booster Club: .PDF FILE
- Portsmouth Girls Basketball Booster Club: .PDF FILE
- Pittsfield Middle High School Booster Club: .PDF FILE
- Theatre Arts Booster Club: .PDF FILE
All documentation for the aforementioned recommendations (i.e. certificate of insurance, articles of 501(c) 3 incorporation, and bylaws) needs to be submitted to the Student Activities Director and Athletic Director prior to the season.
Booster Clubs are required to conduct public meetings and record minutes.
Scheduled meetings are to be submitted to the Student Activities Director and Athletic Director a minimum of one week prior – to be posted on the WHS website calendar.
- Meeting minutes need to be submitted to the Student Activities Director and Athletic Director within a week after the meeting date.
- All Booster Clubs must follow the stated Winnacunnet School District ‘Use of Facilities’ policy for any activity scheduled on school property. Facility Use Instructions
- Any coach or group advisor is encouraged to work collaboratively with an associated Booster Club, but cannot act as a Booster Club officer or member – due to the implicit conflict of interest.
- Booster Clubs are expected to operate in a consistent manner with the school’s philosophy and objectives. Booster Club members should avoid negative or inappropriate comments and/or behavior regarding students, coaches, advisors, or opponents.
- The Booster Club is expected to ensure that all marketing materials indicate clearly the responsible party (said Booster Club).
- The use of the Winnacunnet High School name is a privilege, and can be revoked at the discretion of the Winnacunnet School District administration, if it is deemed the Booster Club is not abiding by the Booster Club guidelines.
- Booster clubs can request an official ‘letter of consent to use the Winnacunnet name from the Principal.
Fundraising Rules:
- All Booster Clubs are required to meet with the Student Activities Director and Athletic Director prior to the season to discuss and finalize the Booster Club’s fundraising plan.
- The approved Booster Club fundraising plan shall be made available to the public.
Booster Clubs are required to submit and gain prior initial approval from the Student Activities Director and Athletic Director, for all fundraising activities. - All marketing materials need to be included for approval.
- The Student Activities Director and Athletic Director will maintain a full calendar of fundraising activities, which Booster Clubs will have access to.
- No student or parent is required to engage in any fundraising activity. Further, if it is determined through investigation, that a student was required or pressured to fundraise by the Booster Club, all Booster Club privileges will be revoked.
- Booster Clubs are allowed to use funds for the following:
- End-of-year banquet
- Senior gifts
- Meals or snacks during and after games or practices
- Team sportswear with school administration approval of design
- Donation to Winnacunnet School District to support the associated activity
- Other items over $500 with school administration approval
Improper Use of Booster Club Funds:
- No gift cards or cash gifts
- No gifts to individual students (Exceptions: team gifts, team sportswear, senior gifts, individual awards/trophies/plaques, or commemorative items for state recognized achievement)
- No monetary gifts to paid or volunteer coaches
- No scholarships directly from Booster Club (donations to established scholarship programs are allowable)
Accounting & Reporting Requirements:
- Booster Clubs are required to submit a proposed budget to the Student Activities Director and Athletic Director prior to the season.
- All Booster Clubs are required to submit an annual financial statement to the SAU #21 Business Administrator upon completion of season. This consists of the Booster Club’s updated budget (document attached in previous bullet) including all current revenue and expenditures YTD. Additionally supporting documentation (i.e. copies of receipts, checks) should be attached.
- Booster Clubs are responsible for filing all appropriate tax forms, and are required to hold all funds in a recognized financial institution. The following are the instructions to apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) as a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization: EIN application: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/apply-for-an-employer-identification-number-ein-online
- It is recommended for Booster Clubs to require two (2) signatures on all checks and/or accounts for disbursement of funds.
- It is strongly recommended that all Booster Clubs conduct an annual internal audit.
Exclusion from liability:
Winnacunnet School District and the School Board assume no financial responsibility for any Booster Club and exclude itself from any liability a Booster Club may incur. THANK YOU!
Winnacunnet School District has a proud athletic, extracurricular, and activity tradition that is made possible through generous and supportive community members. We are extremely thankful for your efforts in working with the community as we strive to provide our students the best extracurricular experiences possible.