Technology is a critical part of the 21st century classroom and with full adoption of Winnacunnet High School’s 1-to-1 Chromebook Program in grades 9-12, we believe there is great potential for the use of online apps/tools to improve teaching and learning. The ever increasing availability of online teaching and learning resources comes with inherent risks and concerns regarding student data, privacy and student work. Winnacunnet High School has a responsibility to ensure that student’s data and privacy is adequately protected when using any online digital resource for school work.
List of WHS Software Applications
Student Data Privacy Resources
Protecting Student Privacy (US DOE)
Student Privacy 101: FERPA for Parents and Students
A Parents Guide to Student Data Privacy
Google GSuite for Education Privacy & Security Info
Student Data Privacy Practice
Winnacunnet High School oversees a wide range of information about students. The district manages personally identifiable information about students in accordance with the federal law known as FERPA. More information regarding federal and state laws, district policies and guidelines that address technology use and student data privacy can be found on the Policies/Laws and Guidelines page. Winnacunnet High School will not share personally identifiable information with third party providers unless there is a “legitimate educational interest” for the student(s). Below is a list of third party providers (educational software applications and tools) that are currently used in the district. Links to websites, terms of use and privacy agreements for each third party are provided.
Winnacunnet High School has uses a thorough vetting process for evaluating new App/Online Tools for potential adoption. Only online apps/tools that are appropriate to meet the instructional goals, and the New Hampshire legal requirements to protect student privacy and data, are approved for use by students.
Approved, Declined or Pending Applications
Digital Citizenship
Winnacunnet High School has adapted the Digital Citizenship Cross-Curricular Framework from Common Sense Education. Topics are integrated into library, health and classroom curricula. Many lessons are presented as direct instruction to students by our building technology integrator. We continue to evaluate and revise our Digital Citizenship curriculum and lessons as new topics or issues arise in the evolving technological landscape.
Internet Safety
Below are recommended resources to assist parents with keeping their children safe while online.
Stay Safe Online Parental Controls
Thank you to the Bedford School District for their exemplary work in responding to New Hampshire HB1612. Much of this content is modeled after their exemplar.