There are several times during the school year when you may be together with large numbers of the school community. Whether these times are in school or out, they are enriching ones that add to the total high school experience. Positive and appropriate behaviors are expected and dress that is also appropriate to the occasion.
• Students should beware that once they leave a dance (or any school-sponsored activity), they are not allowed to return, and the school accepts no responsibility for notifying parents.
• Check the Winnacunnet website for a calendar of dates and also the Parent/ Student Handbook for regulations governing conduct, discipline, and chemical use.
• Student identification badges must be shown at the door for entry.
• If you are bringing a guest, he/she must complete the School Dance/Guest contract available in the Student Activities office. The contract must be signed by the guest’s parent and Principal and returned to the Student Activities office prior to the dance. It may be faxed from the guest’s school to Fax #603-926-7824.Your guest must be in high school and have a school ID with him/her to be admitted to the dance.The exception will only be for the Junior Prom, where a guest may be up to 20 years old. A guest contract form (available in the Student Activities office. Rm. B101)must be filled out and on file. A ticket must be purchased in advance for her/him. At the dance, you must enter with your guest and introduce her/him to the school administrator chaperoning.
• Formal assemblies occur occasionally throughout the school year. They are generally held in the auditorium where hats are not to be worn, food or drink is not to be brought in, and feet are to be kept on the floor, not on the seats.
• These will include the annual fall and drama productions, one-act plays, all band and chorus presentations from the media classes, all band and chorus concerts, spring shows and variety shows. These include class assemblies, and motivational/special events assemblies.
• Respect for the presenter or performer and consideration for others in the audience are expected and required.
• These are held in the gymnasium from time to time during the school year to boost school spirit.
• It is time to recognize student-athletes and students who have excelled in other activities.
• They are planned and sponsored by Athletics/Student Council.• If they are held during the school day, your attendance is expected and participation is appreciated.
Field Trips
• These may be scheduled during the school day or after, or they may be extended into overnight trips.
• If a teacher has planned a field trip, all students in the class are expected to participate or must notify the classroom teacher well in advance if they will be unable to attend.
• No matter the time or place of the field trip, you are representing your school and must abide by the regulations. (See Student Handbook.)
Fund Raising / Other Special Activities
• There are many other events during the school year such as: The Spring Art Exhibit, the Empty Bowls Project, Special Concerts, Drama Club activities, NHS Induction, Interact Events, and Poetry Presentations.